food and my family

Food is my family’s love language. It is where we spent the most time together. Making dinner was a family experience. From when my children were young, they were helping wash vegetables and, once I was sure they were not going to cut off a finger, helping me chop and prepare food. 

Dinner was always where we would talk about our day. I would hear about their lives. They would let me into their world. Being a half Italian family, we could get loud and if you were not used to us you would think we were arguing. Nah, not arguing just freely expressing.  With the other half of the family being Korean, you never knew if you were getting spaghetti or kimbap. My children would eat Korean seaweed as willingly as they would eat potato chips or biscotti.

Now that everyone is older and living their own lives, this is probably one of the things I will miss the most.  Always having them here, at the dinner table sharing their lives with me feeling, their energy and their love.  Even now when they are chatting in their respective time zones, I will wake up to pictures of what they have made with suggestions and reviews of their successes and failures.

Note to self: Make sure every time you are all together, you cook, you eat, and you show your love.


A not so German Food Experience