Mãn - March

Cover of Man by Kim Thúy

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This month, we embark on a journey that transcends borders, languages, and the very essence of storytelling. Our selection, "Mãn" by Kim Thúy, invites us into the intimate world of its titular character, a Vietnamese immigrant in Canada, whose life is as complex and nuanced as the dishes she creates in her Montreal restaurant.

"Mãn" is not merely a narrative; it's an experience woven through with the threads of memory, identity, and the unspoken tales of the Vietnam War. Kim Thúy, with her lyrical prose and profound sensibility, guides us through Mãn's discoveries of love, culinary art, and the search for self amidst the landscapes of her past and present.

As we delve into the pages of "Mãn," let us savor the flavors of Thúy's storytelling, where food becomes a metaphor for life's bittersweetness, its losses, and its unexpected gifts. Through Mãn's eyes, we'll explore the depths of human resilience, the nuances of diaspora, and the invisible ties that connect us to our roots.

This book promises to be a richly layered read, offering much more than a glimpse into Vietnamese culture and cuisine. It challenges us to consider the ways in which our histories, no matter how fragmented, shape us. It's a testament to the strength found in softness, the beauty of simplicity, and the profound in the everyday.

As we share this literary meal, I invite each of you to bring your unique perspectives to our discussions. "Mãn" is a canvas, and our conversations will be the strokes that bring out its vibrant themes and colors.

Happy reading, and I look forward to the rich discussions and insights we will share. Here's to another month of exploration, learning, and connection through the pages of an unforgettable story.

Recipe for Vietnamese Pho

As a special note, this month’s selection marks our second journey with Kim Thúy as a guide. Previously, we delved into the pages of 'Ru', a narrative that left imprints on our hearts with its poetic exploration of migration, family, and the search for a sense of belonging. Reading 'Mãn' not only offers us another opportunity to immerse ourselves in Thúy’s captivating prose but also allows us to further explore the themes of identity and resilience that resonate so deeply in her work. Let's carry forward the insights and emotions from 'Ru' as we open the first page of 'Mãn', ready for the new reflections and connections that await us.


Sweet Bean Paste - February