Crying in H Mart -September

Cover of Crying in Heart

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We're excited to unveil our September selection for the Life She Loves Book Club - 'Crying in H Mart' by Michelle Zauner. This extraordinary memoir is more than just a book; it's an emotional exploration of identity, culture, and the profound connection between food and family.

Set against the rich tapestry of Korean culinary traditions, 'Crying in H Mart' takes us on a deeply personal journey through Michelle's life. From her complex relationship with her mother to her struggles with her multiracial identity, the book offers a raw and honest look at love, loss, and self-discovery.

But this book is not just about reading; it's about experiencing. As we dive into Michelle's world, we'll also explore the vibrant flavors of Korean cuisine. From savory kimchi to comforting jjigae, we'll bring the tastes of Korea into our kitchens, connecting with the story on a sensory level.

Join us as we embark on this literary and culinary adventure. Share your reflections, your culinary creations, and engage in meaningful discussions with fellow readers. Whether you're new to our book club or a returning member, we welcome your insights and enthusiasm.

So, grab your copy of 'Crying in H Mart,' prepare your taste buds, and let's embark on a reading experience that promises to nourish both the mind and the soul.

Happy reading (and cooking)!


Kitchen - October


One Italian Summer - August