Osulloc Tea

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I have been a fan of Osulloc teas for a while now.  I first discovered them when I was in Korea and my daughter’s Korean boyfriend gave me one of the gift sets. When he heard I liked it so much, he gave me a second one.  I love the flavor.  It makes me smile.  It is very relaxing, especially on a cold winter day.

I am a tea lover and I drink it all day long! I have tried many different brands, but I have to say that the Osulloc tea is one of my favorites.  The flavor is rich and soothing, and I love how good it makes me feel.

Osulloc is an organic tea produced from the tea leaves harvested on Jeju Island, in South Korea.  It has won several well-deserved World Tea awards.  In Korea, you can go to Osulloc Tea Houses, where they serve a variety of different Green Tea drinks and desserts. I really cannot say enough about these products.  If you love tea, you cannot miss trying these.  Delicious! 

 “If you are cold, tea will warm you;
if you are too heated, it will cool you;
If you are depressed, it will cheer you;
If you are excited, it will calm you.”  

– William Ewart Gladstone


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